News & Updates from CSI Clean
Entrepreneur Roland Fournier gets almost everything right these days.
In these increasingly competitive times with the power of the consumer on the rise, a company’s performance can be broadcasted around the globe in real time. A monumental shift in the market from production to service industry has left many employers scrambling to improve their bottom line. Fully aware that consumer ‘loyalty is key to success,’ not many companies have earned the bragging rites Canadian Service Industries has: “Our clients are almost like paid actors, they are so excited about the results, they’re satisfied and they let us know it, sometimes they can hardly contain their enthusiasm.” Smiling, he tells of treating a 3rd generation family heirloom, a beautiful silk upholstered chair from India that had never been cleaned. After it was cleaned, the colors were so vibrant it was like a piece of art. “It’s important to know what you do has value to others. We cleaned the chair without worry because our green system is safe on pretty much all fabrics.”
Canadian Service Industries products are made from natural plant fibers and no ‘steam’ is used. Did you know steam cleaning is not actually steam it is just hot water? At the temperature steam occurs, a carpet would melt, it’s dinosaur technology carpet and water is not a good mix. In today’s market, change is the only constant. “I am always looking for better.” As a business owner if you want success know your business – find the best technology, the best products and the best way of doing things. Be flexible and willing to change. “If a better system comes along, my customers can be sure I’ll know about it and I’ll bring them the best.”
When asked what area of his business is the busiest, Roland reports, “That too is always changing. Around the holidays it is usually carpet cleaning; however, we are doing a lot of grout cleaning – the service is second to none in results.” They also have the expertise to clean, seal and color enhance natural stone floors and countertops . We live in a different world these days. “Yes, it is a transitional time, but it is rich with opportunity. Canadian Service Industries is a local Canadian company and it is growing. We hope to open the first franchise in the spring of 2012.” Small businesses benefit from global technology and equipment. Canadian Service Industries’ tile and grout cleaning machines are made in Italy, the home of ceramic and marble. Having expertise and cutting-edge equipment from overseas would not have been possible or affordable a few decades ago. It’s quite amazing; 280 degree dry vapor heat will safely sanitize your floors. New and expectant moms and people with asthma and allergies love this service, but really it is good for all of us, even our pets. Dry vapor machines go into each line of grout without damaging it. Once tiles and grout are cleaned, grout can be clear sealed or stained to achieve a whole new look for a fraction of the cost of replacing flooring. There is no dust, nothing blowing, no taping – virtually zero downtime, making it simple to change the look of that 80’s dusty rose flooring to a crisp modern look. It’s practical and environmentally sound, not filling landfill sites or emptying pockets.
For the first time in history, with the social media, consumers are in the driver’s seat demanding responsible corporate citizenship. If a small business wants to seize the moment, it needs to establish an identity and grow its brand. It is not just about the environment, it is about how you treat your customers, your employees, and your suppliers in the communities where you do business and the planet as a whole. Local businesses must step up their game, using just business practices, products and methods that are environmentally friendly. Roland knows the value of good customer service: “The majority of our business is referral – that’s a sure indicator you’re heading in the right direction. Make sure you do a good job. There is room for error, but you better take care of that error. Take your time and give good value.”
Everyone should have the opportunity to work at a job they enjoy. A solid business has low turnover. “There should be a time in every employee’s day when work feels like play. Sometimes he/she is just lost in the task and it’s that finished product, the feeling of accomplishment, they are after. Other times, it’s having a coffee with an interesting customer.”
For Roland part of the passion is being an entrepreneur – developing the vision he and his wife Melissa share. “We both believe young people today need to find education and work that has value. We are constantly striving to find innovative and creative ways to meet the needs of the public. Like most parents, this couple hopes their 22-year-old daughter and five-year-old-son will be inspired to follow their own dreams one day – if they have an idea, work hard and follow it through.” Roland was just a kid when he started his first business venture. He began painting his friends’ bikes. He started fooling around on an old tin sign with spray bombs. He learned to control the spray to make a beautiful finish. He charged $5 a bike, his Dad thought he was crazy but his friends kept coming. He knew right then the key to success was customer satisfaction.
When you’re an entrepreneur there is always risk, whether it is time or money or other resources but you get better at calculating the risk. “I learned a lot by not listening – it was costly, now I learned to listen. Driven to achieve, I have always offered quality products and work. I made it my business to research constantly, always looking for a better way of doing something, never afraid to adopt the newest so long as it was the best. Now I do the same in other areas of my business, advertising and bookkeeping. Surround yourself with those good in the field of expertise you need, it is less costly and it frees you to do what you do best. It is a good feeling to start each business day knowing you have people who are good at, and care about, what they do.” There is an image of a baby on their trucks. When you look at a baby you can’t help but smile. Babies are the embodiment of life. It’s creative. “I don’t think there is a more positive image out there – fresh, clean and healthy. It’s just what Canadian Service Industries is all about!”